*Please note that Dr. Lisdahl changed her name from Dr. Medina. Her publications are under either Lisdahl, KM, or Medina, KL.
2024-In Press
Wade, N.E., Wallace, A.L., Huestis, M.A., Lisdahl, K.M., Sullivan, R.M., & Tapert, S.F. (2024). Cannabis Use and Neurocognitive Performance at 13-14 Years-Old: Optimizing Assessment with Hair Toxicology in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Addictive Behaviors.
Stinson, E.A. †, Sullivan, R.M. †, Larson, C., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2024). The cumulative impact of childhood adversity on BOLD responses to inhibitory control during early adolescence in the ABCD Study cohort. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; 67:101378.
Adise, S., Palmer, C. E., Sheth, C., Marshall, A. T., Baker, F. C., Brown, S. A., Chang, L., Clark, D. B., Dagher, R. K., Diaz, V., Haist, F., Herting, M. M., Huber, R. S., LeBlanc, K., Lee, K. C., Liang, H., Linkersdörfer, J., Lisdahl, K. M., Ma, J., Neigh, G., … Sowell, E. R. (2024). Associations between perinatal risk and physical health in pre-adolescence in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study®: the unexpected relationship with sleep disruption. Pediatric research, 10.1038/s41390-024-03288-z.
Gross, R. S., Thaweethai, T., Rosenzweig, E. B., Chan, J., Chibnik, L. B., Cicek, M. S., Elliott, A. J., Flaherman, V. J., Foulkes, A. S., Gage Witvliet, M., Gallagher, R., Gennaro, M. L., Jernigan, T. L., Karlson, E. W., Katz, S. D., Kinser, P. A., Kleinman, L. C., Lamendola-Essel, M. F., Milner, J. D., Mohandas, S., … RECOVER-Pediatric Consortium (2024). Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design. PloS one, 19(5), e0285635.
Zhang L, Oshri A, Carvalho C, Uddin LQ, Geier C, Nagata JM, Cummins K, Hoffman EA, Tomko RL, Chaarani B, Squeglia LM, Wing D, Mason MJ, Fuemmeler B, Lisdahl K, Tapert SF, Baker FC, Kiss O. Prospective associations between Sleep, Sensation-Seeking and Mature Screen Usage in Early Adolescents: Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Sleep. 2024 Oct 11:zsae234. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsae234. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39390801.
Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Kleinman LC, Snowden JN, Rosenzweig EB, Milner JD, Tantisira KG, Rhee KE, Jernigan TL, Kinser PA, Salisbury AL, Warburton D, Mohandas S, Wood JC, Newburger JW, Truong DT, Flaherman VJ, Metz TD, Karlson EW, Chibnik LB, Pant DB, Krishnamoorthy A, Gallagher R, Lamendola-Essel MF, Hasson DC, Katz SD, Yin S, Dreyer BP, Carmilani M, Coombs K, Fitzgerald ML, Güthe N, Hornig M, Letts RJ, Peddie AK, Taylor BD; RECOVER-Pediatrics Consortium; RECOVER-Pediatrics Group Authors; Balaraman V, Bogie A, Bukulmez H, Dozor AJ, Eckrich D, Elliott AJ, Evans DN, Farkas JS, Faustino EVS, Fischer L, Gaur S, Harahsheh AS, Hasan UN, Hsia DS, Huerta-Montañez G, Hummel KD, Kadish MP, Kaelber DC, Krishnan S, Kosut JS, Larrabee J, Lim PPC, Michelow IC, Oliveira CR, Raissy H, Rosario-Pabon Z, Ross JL, Sato AI, Stevenson MD, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Weakley KE, Zimmerman E, Bind MC, Chan J, Guan Z, Morse RE, Reeder HT, Akshoomoff N, Aschner JL, Bhattacharjee R, Cottrell LA, Cowan K, D'Sa VA, Fiks AG, Gennaro ML, Irby K, Khare M, Guttierrez JL, McCulloh RJ, Narang S, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan S, Palumbo P, Ryu J, Salazar JC, Selvarangan R, Stein CR, Werzberger A, Zempsky WT, Aupperle R, Baker FC, Banich MT, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bjork JM, Bookheimer SY, Brown SA, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Dale AM, Dapretto M, Ernst TM, Fair DA, Feldstein Ewing SW, Foxe JJ, Freedman EG, Friedman NP, Garavan H, Gee DG, Gonzalez R, Gray KM, Heitzeg MM, Herting MM, Jacobus J, Laird AR, Larson CL, Lisdahl KM, Luciana M, Luna B, Madden PAF, McGlade EC, Müller-Oehring EM, Nagel BJ, Neale MC, Paulus MP, Potter AS, Renshaw PF, Sowell ER, Squeglia LM, Tapert S, Uddin LQ, Wilson S, Yurgelun-Todd DA, Foulkes AS, Stockwell MS. Characterizing Long COVID in Children and Adolescents. JAMA. 2024 Aug 21:e2412747. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.12747. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39196964; PMCID: PMC11339705.
Rao S, Azuero-Dajud R, Lorman V, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Rhee KE, Ryu J, Kim C, Carmilani M, Gross RS, Mohandas S, Suresh S, Bailey LC, Castro V, Senathirajah Y, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Murphy S, Caddle S, Kleinman LC, Castro-Baucom L, Oliveira CR, Klein JD, Chung A, Cowell LG, Madlock-Brown C, Geary CR, Sills MR, Thorpe LE, Szmuszkovicz J, Tantisira KG; RECOVER EHR and; RECOVER Pediatric Cohorts. Ethnic and racial differences in children and young people with respiratory and neurological post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2: an electronic health record-based cohort study from the RECOVER Initiative. EClinicalMedicine. 2025 Jan 2;80:103042. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.103042. PMID: 39850015; PMCID: PMC11753962.
Pelham III, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., Wade, N. E., Lisdahl, K. M., Guillaume, M., Marshall, A. T., Van Rinsveld, A., Dick, A. S., Baker, F. C., Breslin, F. J., Baskin-Sommers, A., Sheth, C. S., & Brown, S. A. (2023). Parental knowledge/monitoring and adolescent substance use: a causal relationship? Health Psychology; Nov 10:10.1037.
Wade NE, Sullivan RM, Tapert SF, Pelham WE 3rd, Huestis MA, Lisdahl KM, Haist F (2023). Concordance between substance use self-report and hair analysis in community-based adolescents. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse; Jan 2;49(1):76-84. doi: 10.1080/00952990.2023.2164931. PMID: 36812240.
Kiss., O., Nagata, J.M., de Zambotti, M., Dick, A.S., Marshall, A.T., Sowell, E.R., Rinsveld, A.M.V., Guillaume, M.J., Pelham, W.E., Gonzalez, M.R., Brown, S.A., Dowling, G.J., Lisdahl, K.M., Tapert, S.F., Alzueta., E., Yuksel, D., Pohl, K.M., Muller-Oehring., E.M., Prouty, D., Durley, I., McCabe, C.J., Wade, N.E., & Baker, F.C. (2023). Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Screen Time and Sleep in Early Adolescents. Health Psychology; 27:10.1037.
Kolp, H. †, Horvath, S., Fite, P. J., Metrik, J., Stuart, G. L., Lisdahl, K. M., & Shorey, R. C (2024). Development of the alcohol and cannabis simultaneous use (ACSUS) scale in college students. Journal of Substance Use; 29(4):509-516.
Thaweethai T, Jolley SE, Karlson EW, Levitan EB, Levy B, McComsey GA, McCorkell L, Nadkarni GN, Parthasarathy S, Singh U, Walker TA, Selvaggi CA, Shinnick DJ, Schulte CCM, Atchley-Challenner R, Alba GA, Alicic R, Altman N, Anglin K, Argueta U, Ashktorab H, Baslet G, Bassett IV, Bateman L, Bedi B, Bhattacharyya S, Bind MA, Blomkalns AL, Bonilla H, Bush PA, Castro M, Chan J, Charney AW, Chen P, Chibnik LB, Chu HY, Clifton RG, Costantine MM, Cribbs SK, Davila Nieves SI, Deeks SG, Duven A, Emery IF, Erdmann N, Erlandson KM, Ernst KC, Farah-Abraham R, Farner CE, Feuerriegel EM, Fleurimont J, Fonseca V, Franko N, Gainer V, Gander JC, Gardner EM, Geng LN, Gibson KS, Go M, Goldman JD, Grebe H, Greenway FL, Habli M, Hafner J, Han JE, Hanson KA, Heath J, Hernandez C, Hess R, Hodder SL, Hoffman MK, Hoover SE, Huang B, Hughes BL, Jagannathan P, John J, Jordan MR, Katz SD, Kaufman ES, Kelly JD, Kelly SW, Kemp MM, Kirwan JP, Klein JD, Knox KS, Krishnan JA, Kumar A, Laiyemo AO, Lambert AA, Lanca M, Lee-Iannotti JK, Logarbo BP, Longo MT, Luciano CA, Lutrick K, Maley JH, Marathe JG, Marconi V, Marshall GD, Martin CF, Matusov Y, Mehari A, Mendez-Figueroa H, Mermelstein R, Metz TD, Morse R, Mosier J, Mouchati C, Mullington J, Murphy SN, Neuman RB, Nikolich JZ, Ofotokun I, Ojemakinde E, Palatnik A, Palomares K, Parimon T, Parry S, Patterson JE, Patterson TF, Patzer RE, Peluso MJ, Pemu P, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Pogreba-Brown K, Poppas A, Quigley JG, Reddy U, Reece R, Reeder H, Reeves WB, Reiman EM, Rischard F, Rosand J, Rouse DJ, Ruff A, Saade G, Sandoval GJ, Schlater SM, Shepherd F, Sherif ZA, Simhan H, Singer NG, Skupski DW, Sowles A, Sparks JA, Sukhera FI, Taylor BS, Teunis L, Thomas RJ, Thorp JM, Thuluvath P, Ticotsky A, Tita AT, Tuttle KR, Urdaneta AE, Valdivieso D, VanWagoner TM, Vasey A, Verduzco-Gutierrez M, Wallace ZS, Ward HD, Warren DE, Weiner SJ, Welch S, Whiteheart SW, Wiley Z, Wisnivesky JP, Yee LM, Zisis S, Horwitz LI, Foulkes AS; RECOVER Consortium (2023). Development of a Definition of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA.329(22):1934-1946. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.8823. PMID: 37278994; PMCID: PMC10214179.
Harris, J. C. †, Liuzzi, M.T., Cardenas-Iniguez, C., Larson, C.L., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2023). Gray space and default mode network-amygdala connectivity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, section Brain Health and Clinical Neuroscience; 17:1167786
Gross R, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Witvliet MG, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Harahsheh AS, Heath AC, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Iacono WG, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Oster ME, Payne RM, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ 2nd, Thacker D, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP (2023). Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design. PLoS One; Jun 23;18(6):e0286297. PMID: 37214806; PMCID: PMC10197716.
Harris JC, Liuzzi MT, Malames BA, Larson CL, Lisdahl KM (2023). Differences in parent and youth perceived neighborhood threat on nucleus accumbens-frontoparietal network resting state connectivity and alcohol sipping in children enrolled in the ABCD study. Front Psychiatry; 18;14:1237163
Kiss., O., Alzueta., E., Yuksel, D., Pohl, K.M., de Zambotti, M., Muller-Oehring., E.M., Prouty, D., Durley, I., Pelham, W.E., McCabe, C.J., Gonzalez, M.R., Brown, S.A., Wade, N.E., Marshall, A.T., Sowell, E.R., Breslin, F.J., Lisdahl, K.M., Dick, A.S., Sheth, C.S., McCandliss, B.D., Guillaume, M.J., Rinsveld, A.M.V., Dowling, G.J., Tapert, S.F., & Baker, F.C. (2022). The pandemic's toll on young adolescents: Prevention and intervention targets to preserve their mental health. Journal of Adolescent Healt; 70(3): 387-395.
Pelham, W. E., 3rd, Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., Guillaume, M., Dick, A. S., Sheth, C. S., Baker, F. C., Baskin-Sommers, A., Marshall, A. T., Lisdahl, K. M., Breslin, F. J., Van Rinsveld, A., & Brown, S. A. (2022). Parental Knowledge/Monitoring and Depressive Symptoms During Adolescence: Protective Factor or Spurious Association?. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, (21) 1–13.
Marshall A, Hackman D, Baker F, Breslin F, Brown S, Dick A, Gonzalez M, Guillaume M, Kiss O, Lisdahl K.M., McCabe C, Iii WP, Sheth C, Tapert S, Rinsveld AV, Wade N, Sowell E. Resilience to COVID-19: Socioeconomic Disadvantage Associated With Higher Positive Parent-youth Communication and Youth Disease-prevention Behavior (2022). Frontiers in Public Health, Children and Health; 10:734308..
Ritchay, M.†, Huggins, A. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Larson, C.L., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2022). Resting state functional connectivity in the default mode network: Relationships between cannabis use, gender, and cognition in adolescents and young adults. NeuroImage: Clinical; 8;30:102664.
Chaarani, B., Hahn, S., Allgaier, N., Adise, S., Owens, M., Yuan, D.K., Loso, H., Ivanciu, A., Dumas, J. , Mackey, S., Laurent, J., Agarwal, A., Aguinaldo, L., Ahonen, L., Alvarez, R., Anokhin, A., Baker, F., Banich, M.T., Barch, D.M., Baskin-Sommers, A., Bjork, J.M., Bogdan, R., Bookheimer, S.Y., Breslin, F., Brown, S., Calabro, F., Calhoun, V., Casey, B.J., Chang, L., Clark, D.B., Cloak, C., Colrain, I.M., Constable, T., Conway, K., Corley, R., Cottler, L.B., Coxe, S., Dale, A.M., Dapretto, M., Dick, A., Do, E., Dosenbach, N., Dowling, G., Edwards, S., Ernst, T.M., Fair, D.A., Fan, C.C., Feldstein Ewing, S.W., Florsheim, P., Foxe, J., Freedman, E., Friedman, N., Fuemmeler, B., Fuligni, A.J., Galvan, A., Gee, D., Giedd, J., Glaser, P., Godino, J., Goldstone, A., Gonzalez, M., Gonzalez, R., Gray, K., Haist, F., Harms, M., Hatoum, A., Hawes, S., Heath, A.C., Heitzeg, M.M., Herting, M., Hettema, J.M., Hewitt, J.K., Heyser, C., Huber, R., Huestis, M., Hyde, L., Iacono, W.G., Infante, A., Isaiah, A., Jacobus, J., Jernigan, T3, Johnson, E.C., Karcher, N., Knisian, A., Laird, A., Larson, C., Lessem, J., Lessov-Schlagger, C., Lever, N., Lewis, D.A., Lisdahl, K.M., Luciana, M.M., Luna, B., Madden, P.A., Maes, H., Marshall, A., Mason, M.J., McCandliss, B., McGlade, E., Morgan, G., Morris, A., Murray, P., Nagel, B.J., Neale, M.C., Neigh, G., Nencka, A., Nixon, S.J., Palmer, C.E., Paulus, M.P., Pelham, W.E., Prescot, A., Prouty, D., Puttler, L., Rapuano, K., Reeves, G., Renshaw, P.F., Riedel, M.C., Rojas, P., de la Rosa, M., Rosenberg, M., Sanchez, M., Schirda, C., Sher, K.J., Sheth, C., Shilling, P.D., Simmons, K., Sowell, E.R., Speer, N., Squeglia, L., Sripada, C., Steinberg, J., Sutherland, M.T., Tanabe, J., Tapert, S.F., Tomko, R., Uban, K., Vrieze, S., Wade, N., Wagner, E.F., Watts, R., Willams, O.D., Wing, D., Yurgelun-Todd, D.A., Zucker, R.A., Potter, A., Garavan, H.P. & ABCD Consortium (2022). Brain function in the pre-adolescent brain: Results from the ABCD Study. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 34099922.
Sullivan, R. M. †, Wallace, A. L. †, Stinson, E. A. †, Montoto, K. V. †, Kaiver, C. M. †, Wade, N. E., & Lisdahl, K. M. (2022). Assessment of withdrawal, mood, and sleep inventories after monitored three-week abstinence in cannabis-using adolescents and young adults. Cannabis and Cannabinoids Research; 7(5): 690-699.
Pelham, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., Guillaume, M., Dick, A. S., Sheth, C. S., Baker, F. C., Baskin-Sommers, A., Marshall, A. T., Lisdahl, K. M., Breslin, F. J., Van Rinsveld, A., & Brown, S. A. (2022). Parental knowledge/monitoring and adolescents’ depressive symptoms: protective factor or spurious association? Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
Guillaume, M., Toomarian, E.Y., Van Rinsveld, A, Baskin-Sommers, A.R., Dick, A.S., Dowling, G.J., Gonzalez, M. R., Hasak, L., Lisdahl, K.M, MArshall, A.T., Nguyen, Q.T.H, Pelham III, W.E., Pillai C., Sheth, C., Wang, A., Tapert, S.F., McCandliss, B.D. (in press) Negative impacts of pandemic induced at-home remote learning can be mitigated by parental involvement. Frontiers in Education, 7, 804191.
Martz, M., Heitzeg, M.M., Lisdahl, K.M., Cloak, C.C., Ewing, S.F., Gonzalez, R., Haist, F., LeBlanc, K.H., Madden, P.A., Ross, M.J., Sher, K.J., Tapert, S.F., Thompson, W.K., & Wade., N.E. (2022). Substance use cognitions in 9- and 10-year olds from the ABCD Study: Sociodemographic differences and parental and peer influences. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports; 3:100037.
Harris, J.,† Thomas, A. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Sullivan, R.M. †, Kaiver, C.M. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2022). Functional connectivity of dorsal and ventral attentional networks in abstinent cannabis-using adolescents and young adults. Biological Psychiatry; 12(2): 287.
Sullivan, R. M. †, Maple, K. E. †, Wallace, A. L. †, Thomas, A. M. †, & Lisdahl, K. M. (2022). Examining inhibitory affective processing within the rostral anterior cingulate cortex among abstinent cannabis-using adolescents and young adults. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Addictive Disorders; 13:851118
Wade, N.E., Tapert, S.F., Lisdahl, K.M., Huestis, M.A., & Haist, F. (2022). Substance Use Onset in High-Risk 9-13 Year-Olds in the ABCD Study. Neurotoxicology & Teratology; 91:107090.
Anokhin AP, Luciana M, Banich M, Barch D, Bjork JM, Gonzalez MR, Gonzalez R, Haist F, Jacobus J, Lisdahl KM, McGlade E, McCandliss B, Nagel B, Nixon SJ, Tapert S, Kennedy JT, Thompson W (2022). Age-related changes and longitudinal stability of individual differences in ABCD Neurocognition measures. Dev Cogn Neurosci. Apr;54:101078. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2022.101078.
Wallace, A.L., Swartz, A.M., Cho, C.C., Kaiver, C.M., Sullivan, R.M., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2022). Stand-biased desks impact on cognition in elementary students using a within-classroom crossover design. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(9):5684.
Bagot KS, Tomko RL, Marshall AT, Hermann J, Cummins K, Ksinan A, Kakalis M, Breslin F, Lisdahl KM, Mason M, Redhead JN, Squeglia LM, Thompson WK, Wade T, Tapert SF, Fuemmeler BF, Baker FC (2022). Youth screen use in the ABCD® study. Dev Cogn Neurosci.; 57:101150.
Sullivan, R. M. †, Wade, N. E., Wallace, A. L., Tapert, S. F., Pelham, W. E., Brown, S. A., Cloak, C. C., Feldstein Ewing, S. W., Madden, P. A. F., Martz, M. E., Ross, J. M., Kaiver, C. M. †, Wirtz, H. G. †, Heitzeg, M. M., & Lisdahl, K. M. (2022). Substance Use Patterns in 9 to 13-Year-Olds: Longitudinal Findings from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports; 5:100120.
Wing, D., Godino, J.G., Baker, F.C., Yang, R., Guillaume, C., Thompson,, W., Reuter, C., Bartsch, H., Wilbur, A., Straub, L., Castro, N., Higgins, M., Colrain, I.M., de Zambotti, M., Wade, N.E., Lisdahl, K.M., Squaglia, L.M., Fuemmeler, B., Patrick, K., Mason, M.J., Susan F. Tapert., S.F., & Bagot, K.S. (2022). Recommendations for Identifying Valid Wear for Consumer-Level Wrist-Worn Activity Trackers and Acceptability of Extended Device Deployment in Children. Sensors; 22(23): 9189.
Wade, T. †, Gilbart, E. †, Swartz, A.M., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2021). Assessing aerobic fitness level in relation to affective and behavioral functioning in emerging adult cannabis users. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction; 19(2). 546-559.
Herting, M.M., Kristina Andrea Uban, Marybel Robledo Gonzalez, Fiona C. Baker, Eric C. Kan, Wesley K. Thompson, Douglas A. Granger, Matthew D. Albaugh, Andrey P Anokhin, Kara S. Bagot, Marie T. Banich, Deanna M. Barch, Arielle Ryan Baskin-Sommers, Florence J. Breslin, B.J. Casey, Bader Chaarani, Linda Chang, Duncan B Clark, Christine C. Cloak, R. Todd Constable, Linda B. Cottler, Rada K. Dagher, Mirella Dapretto, Anthony Steven Dick, Nico Dosenbach, Gayathri J. Dowling, Julie A. Dumas, Sarah Edwards, Thomas Ernst, Damien A. Fair, Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, Edward G. Freedman, Bernard F. Fuemmeler, Hugh Garavan, Dylan G. Gee, Jay N. Giedd, Paul E.A. Glaser, Aimee Goldstone, Kevin M. Gray, Samuel W. Hawes, Andrew C. Heath, Mary M. Heitzeg, John K. Hewitt, Charles J. Heyser, Elizabeth A. Hoffman, Rebekah S. Huber, Marilyn A. Huestis, Luke W. Hyde, M. Alejandra Infante, Masha Y. Ivanova, Joanna Jacobus, Terry L. Jernigan, Nicole R. Karcher, Angela R. Laird, Kimberly H. LeBlanc, Lisdahl, K.M., Monica Luciana, Beatriz Luna, Hermine H. Maes, Andrew T. Marshall, Michael J. Mason, Erin C. McGlade, Amanda S. Morris, Bonnie J. Nagel, Gretchen N. Neigh, Clare E. Palmer, Martin P. Paulus, Alexandra S. Potter, Leon I. Puttler, Nishadi Rajapakse, Kristina Rapuano, Gloria Reeves, Perry F. Renshaw, Claudiu Schirda, Kenneth J. Sher, Chandni Sheth, Paul D. Shilling, Lindsay M. Squeglia, Matthew T. Sutherland, Susan F. Tapert, Rachel Tomoko, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Natasha E. Wade, Robert A. Zucker and Elizabeth R. Sowell (2021). Correspondence between perceived pubertal development and hormone levels in 9-10 year-olds from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, Pediatric Endocrinology; 18; 11:549928.
Li Y, Thompson WK, Reuter C, Nillo R, Jernigan T, Dale A, Sugrue LP; ABCD Consortium, Brown J, Dougherty RF, Rauschecker A, Rudie J, Barch DM, Calhoun V, Hagler D, Hatton S, Tanabe J, Marshall A, Sher KJ, Heeringa S, Hermosillo R, Banich MT, Squeglia L, Bjork J, Zucker R, Neale M, Herting M, Sheth C, Huber R, Reeves G, Hettema JM, Howlett KD, Cloak C, Baskin-Sommers A, Rapuano K, Gonzalez R, Karcher N, Laird A, Baker F, James R, Sowell E, Dick A, Hawes S, Sutherland M, Bagot K, Bodurka J, Breslin F, Morris A, Paulus M, Gray K, Hoffman E, Weiss S, Rajapakse N, Glantz M, Nagel B, Ewing SF, Goldstone A, Pfefferbaum A, Prouty D, Rosenberg M, Bookheimer S, Tapert S, Infante M, Jacobus J, Giedd J, Shilling P, Wade N, Uban K, Haist F, Heyser C, Palmer C, Kuperman J, Hewitt J, Cottler L, Isaiah A, Chang L, Edwards S, Ernst T, Heitzeg M, Puttler L, Sripada C, Iacono W, Luciana M, Clark D, Luna B, Schirda C, Foxe J, Freedman E, Mason M, McGlade E, Renshaw P, Yurgelun-Todd D, Albaugh M, Allgaier N, Chaarani B, Potter A, Ivanova M, Lisdahl K.M., Do E, Maes H, Bogdan R, Anokhin A, Dosenbach N, Glaser P, Heath A, Casey BJ, Gee D, Garavan HP, Dowling G, Brown S. (2021). Rates of incidental findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging in children. JAMA Neurol; 78(5):578-587.
Pelham, W. E., Tapert, S. F., Gonzalez, M. R., McCabe, C. J., Lisdahl, K. M., Alzueta, E. R., Baker, F. C., Breslin, F. J., Dick, A. S., Dowling, G. J., Guillaume, M., Hoffman, E., Marshall, A. T., McCandliss, B. D., Sheth, C. S., Sowell, E. R., Thompson, W. K., Van Rinsveld, A. M., Wade, N. E., & Brown, S. A. (2021). Early adolescent substance use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal survey in the ABCD Study® cohort. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(3): 390-397.
Wade, N.E. †, Kaiver, C.M. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Hatcher, K.F. †, Swartz, A.M., Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Objective aerobic fitness level and neuropsychological functioning in healthy adolescents and emerging adults: Unique sex effects. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
Lisdahl, K.M., Filbey, F.M., & Gruber, S.A. (2021). Introduction to JINS Special Issue: Clarifying the Complexities of Cananbis and Cognition. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; 27(6):1-3.
Sullivan, R.M. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Wade, N.E. †, Swartz, A., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2021). Cannabis use & brain volume in adolescent and young adult cannabis users: Does sex or aerobic fitness moderate effects? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; 27(6): 607-620.
Wade, N.E., Ortigara, J.M., Sullivan, R.M. †, Tomko, R.L., Breslin, F.J., Baker, F.C., Fuemmeler, B.F., Derahim Howlett, K., Lisdahl, K.M., Marshall, A.T., Mason, M.J., Neale, M.C., Squeglia, L.M., Wolff-Hughes, D.L., Tapert, S.F., Bagot, K.S., & ABCD Novel Technologies Workgroup (2021). Passive sensing of pre-teens’ mobile smartphone use: An ABCD cohort substudy. JMIR Mental Health, 8(10): e29426.
Palmer, C., Sheth, C.S., Herting, M., Marshall, A.T., Adise, S., Baker, F.C., Chang, L., Clark, D.B., Dagher, R.K. Dowling, Gayathri, Bonzalez, M., Haist, F., Herting, M., Huber, R., Jernigan, T.L., LeBlanc, K.H., Lee, K., Lisdahl, K.M., Neigh, G.N., Patterson., M., Renshaw, P., Rhee, K., Tapert, S.F., Thompson, W., Uban, K.A., Sowell, E.R., & Yurgelun-Todd, D. (2021). A Comprehensive Overview of the Physical Health of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD) Cohort at Baseline. Frontiers in Pediatrics (9)734184.
Stinson, A. †, Sullivan, R.M. †, Peteet, B.J., Tapert, S.T., Baker, F.C., Breslin, F.J., Dick, A.S., Gonzalez, M.R., Guillaume, M., Marshall, A.T., McCabe, C.J., Pelham, W., Van Rinsveld, A., Sheth, C.S., Sowell, E.R., Wade, N.A., Wallace, A.L. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2021). Longitudinal Impact of Childhood Adversity on Early Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the ABCD Study® Cohort: Does Race or Ethnicity Moderate Findings? Biological Psychiatry; 1(4): 324-335.
Wade, T. †, Thomas, A.M. †, Gruber, S.A., Tapert, S.F., Filbey, F.M., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Binge and cannabis co-use episodes in relation to white matter integrity in emerging adults. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research; 5(1): 62-72.
Wallace, A. †, Hatcher, K. †, Jennette, K. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Impact of 2 weeks of monitored abstinence on cognition in adolescent and young adult cannabis users. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; 26(8): 776-784.
Swartz, A.M., Tokarek, N., Strath, S.J., Lisdahl, K.M., & Cho, C.C. (2020). Attentive and fidgeting while using a stand-biased desk in elementary school children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 17(11): 3976.
Wade, N.E. †, Bagot, K.S., Tapert, S.F., Gruber, S.A., Filbey, F.M., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Cognitive functioning related to binge alcohol and cannabis co-use in abstinent adolescents and young adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs; 81(4): 479-483.
Venkatesen, T., Hillard, C.J., Rein, L., Banerjee, A., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Patterns of cannabis use in patients with cyclic vomiting syndrome. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.18(5): 1082-1090.
Sullivan, R.M. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Wade, N.E. †, Swartz, A.M., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Assessing the role of cannabis use and cortical surface structure in young adults: Exploring gender and aerobic fitness as potential moderators. Brain Sciences; Special issue Cannabis: Neuropsychiatry and Its Effects on Brain and Behavior; 10(2):117. doi:10.3390/brainsci10020117.
Watts, A.L., Wood, P.K., Jackson, K.M., Lisdahl, K.M., Heitzeg, M.M., Gonzalez, R., Tapert, S.F., Barch, D.M., & Sher, K.J. (2020). Incipient alcohol use in childhood: Early alcohol sipping and its relations with psychopathology and personality. Development and Psychopathology; 12:1; DOI: 10.31234/
Wallace, A.L. †, Wade, N.E. †, Thomas, A.B. †, & Lisdahl, K.M., (2020). BOLD responses to inhibition in cannabis-using adolescents and emerging adults after 2 weeks of monitored cannabis abstinence. Psychopharmacology; 237(11):3259-3268.
Wade, N.E. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Sullivan, R.M. †, Swartz, A.M., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2020). Association between brain morphometry and aerobic fitness level and sex in healthy emerging adults. PLOS One; 1;15(12):e0242738.
Wallace, A.L. †, Wade, N.E. †, Hatcher, K. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2019). Effects of cannabis use and subclinical ADHD symptomology on attention based tasks in adolescents and young adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology; 34(5); 700-705. PMID: 30295694.
Bhandari, S., Jha, P., Lisdahl, K.M., Hillard, C.J., & Venkatesan, T. (2019). Recent trends in cyclic vomiting syndrome- associated hospitalizations with liberalization of cannabis use in the state of Colorado. Internal Medicine Journal; 49(5); 649-655, PMID: 30426628.
Wade, T. †, Wallace, A.L. †, Swartz, A.M, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2019). Aerobic Fitness Level Moderates the Association Between Cannabis Use and Executive Functioning and Psychomotor Speed Following Abstinence in Adolescents and Young Adult. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; 25(2);134-145. PMID: 30474579.
Swartz, AM, Tokerek, NR, Lisdahl, K.M., Maeda, H., Strath, CJ, & Cho, CC (2019). Do stand-biased desks in the classroom change school-time activity and sedentary behavior? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16(6), 933.
Maple, K.E. †, Thomas, A.M. †, Kangiser, M.M. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2019). Anterior cingulate volume reductions in abstinent adolescent and young adult cannabis users: Association with affective processing deficits. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 288; 51-59.
Shollenbarger, S.†, Thomas, A.M. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2019). Intrinsic frontolimbic connectivity and mood symptoms in young adult cannabis users. Frontiers in Public Health; Children and Health; 7:311.
Kangiser, M.M. †,, Lochner, A.M. †, Thomas, A.M. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2019). Gender moderates chronic nicotine effects on cognition in young adults. Substance Use and Misuse; 54(11); 1812-1824.
Kangiser, M. †, Kaiver, C. †, Thomas, A.M. †, & Lisdahl, K.M. (2019). Nicotine effects on white matter microstructure in young adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology; 35(1); 10-21.
Hagler Jr., , D.J., Hatton, S., Cornejo, M.D., Makowski, C., Fair, D.A., Dick, A.S., Sutherland, M.T., Casey, B.J., Barch, D.M., Harms, M.P., Watts, R., Bjork, J.M., Garavan, H.P., Hilmer, L., Pung, C.J., Sicat, C.S., Kuperman, J., Bartsch, H., Xue, F., Heitzeg, M.M., Laird, A.R., Trinh, T.T., Gonzalez, R., Tapert, S.F., Riedel, M.C., Squeglia, L.M., Hyde, L.W., Rosenberg, M.D., Earl, E.A., Howlett, K.D., Baker, F.C., Soules, M., Diaz, J., de Leon, O.R., Thompson, W.K., Neale, M.C., Herting, M., Sowell, E.R., Alvarez, R.P., Hawes, S.W., Sanchez, M., Bodurka, J., Breslin, F.J., Morris, A.S., Paulus, M.P., Simmons, W.K., Polimeni, J.R., van der Kouwe, A., Nencka, A.S., Gray, K.M., Pierpaoli, C., Matochik, J.A., Noronha, A., Aklin, W.M., Conway, K., Glantz, M., Hoffman, E., Little, R., Lopez, M., Pariyadath, V., Weiss, S.R., Wolff-Hughes, D.L., DelCarmen-Wiggins, R., Feldstein Ewing, S.W., Miranda-Dominguez, O., Nagel, B.J., Perrone, A.J., Sturgeon, D.T., Goldstone, A., Pfefferbaum, A., Pohl, K.M., Prouty, D., Uban, K., Bookheimer, S.Y., Dapretto, M., Galvan, A., Bagot, K., Giedd, J., Infante, M.A., Jacobus, J., Patrick, K., Shilling, P.D., Desikan, R., Li, Y., Sugrue, L., Banich, M.T., Friedman, N., Hewitt, J.K., Hopfer, C., Sakai, J., Tanabe, J., Cottler, L.B., Nixon, S.J., Chang, L., Cloak, C., Ernst, T., Reeves, G., Kennedy, D.N., Heeringa, S., Peltier, S., Schulenberg, J., Sripada, C., Zucker, R.A., Iacono, W.G., Luciana, M., Calabro, F.J., Clark, D.B., Lewis, D.A., Luna, B., Schirda, C., Brima, T., Foxe, J.J., Freedman, E.G., Mruzek, D.W., Mason, M.J., Huber, R., McGlade, E., Prescot, A., Renshaw, P.F., Yurgelun-Todd, D.A., Allgaier, N.A., Dumas, J.A., Ivanova, M., Potter, A., Florsheim, P., Larson, C., Lisdahl, K., Charness, M.E., Fuemmeler, B., Hettema, J.M., Maes, H.H., Steinberg, J., Anokhin, A.P., Glaser, P., Heath, A.C., Madden, P.A., Baskin-Sommers, A., Constable, R.T., Grant, S.J., Dowling, G.J., Brown, S.A., Jernigan, T.L., Dale, A.M. (2019). Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, NeuroImage, 202:116091. doi: j.neuroimage.2019.116091.
Lisdahl, K.L, Sher, K., Conway, K., Gonzalez, R., Feldstein Ewing, S., Nixon, S.J., Tapert, S.F., Bartsch, H., Goldstein, R, & Heitzeg, M. (2018). Adolescent brain cognitive development (ABCD) study: Overview of substance use assessment methods. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (ABCD Study Special Issue); 32; 80-96. PMID: 29559216.
Miskovich, T.A. †, Anderson, N.E., Harenski, Cl, Herenski, KA, Baskin-Sommers AR, Larson CL, Newman, JP, Hanson, JL, Stout DM, Koenigs M., Shollenbarger, SG, Lisdahl K.M., Decety, J, Kosson, DS, Kiehl, KA (2018). Abnormal cortical gyrification in criminal psychopathy. Neuroimage Clinical; 19; 876-882. PMID: 29946511.
Feldstein Ewing, S. W., Claus, E. D., Hudson, K. A., Filbey, F. M., Jimenez, E. Y., Lisdahl, K. M., & Kong, A. S. (2017). Overweight adolescents’ brain response to sweetened beverages mirrors addiction pathways. Brain Imaging and Behavior.
Wade NE, Padula CB, Anthenelli RM, Nelson E, Eliassen J, Lisdahl KM. (2017). Blunted amygdala functional connectivity during a stress task in alcohol dependent individuals: A pilot study. Neurobiol Stress. 2017 May 31;7:74-79. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2017.05.004
Wright NE, Scerpella D, Lisdahl KM. (2016) Marijuana use is associated with behavioral approach and depressive symptoms in adolescents and emerging adults. PLoS One. 2016 Nov 11;11(11):e0166005. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166005.
Kelly C, Castellanos FX, Tomaselli O, Lisdahl K, Tamm L, Jernigan T, Newman E, Epstein JN, Molina BS, Greenhill LL, Potkin SG, Hinshaw S, Swanson JM (2016). Distinct effects of childhood ADHD and cannabis use on brain functional architecture in young adults. MTA Neuroimaging Group. Neuroimage Clin. 2016 Sep 15;13:188-200.
Newman E, Jernigan TL, Lisdahl KM, Tamm L, Tapert SF, Potkin SG, Mathalon D, Molina B, Bjork J, Castellanos FX, Swanson J, Kuperman JM, Bartsch H, Chen CH, Dale AM, Epstein JN, Group MN. (2016). Go/No Go task performance predicts cortical thickness in the caudal inferior frontal gyrus in young adults with and without ADHD. Brain Imaging Behav. 2016 Sep;10(3):880-92. doi: 10.1007/s11682-015-9453-x.
Maple, K.E., McDaniel, K.A., & Lisdahl, K.M. (2016). Dose-Dependent Cannabis Use, Depressive Symptoms, and FAAH Genotype Predict Sleep Quality in Emerging Adults: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse; 13:1-10. PMID:27074158.
Lisdahl, K.M., Tamm, L., Epstein, J., Jernigan, T., Molina, B., Hinshaw, S.P., Swanson, J.M., Newman, E., Kelly, C., Bjork, J.M. (2016). Impact of ADHD Persistence, Recent Cannabis Use, and Age of Regular Cannabis Use Onset on Subcortical Volume and Cortical Thickness in Young Adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence; 1;161:135-46. PMID:26897585.
Miskovich, T.A. Pedersen, W.P., Belleau, E.L., Shollenbarger, S., Lisdahl K.M., Larson, C.L. (2016). Cortical Gyrification Patterns Associated with Trait Anxiety. PLoS ONE; 11(2):e0149434. PMID:26872350.
Wright, N.E., Strong, J.A., Gilbart, E.R., Shollenbarger, S. & Lisdahl, K.M. (2015). 5-HTTLPR genotype moderates the effects of past ecstasy use on verbal memory performance in adolescent and emerging adults: A pilot study. PLoS ONE, (10)7: e0134708. PMID: 26231032.
Shollenbarger, S., Price, J.S., Wieser, J., Lisdahl, K.M. (2015). Poorer frontolimbic white matter integrity is associated with chronic cannabis use, FAAH genotype, and increased depressive and apathy symptoms in adolescents and young adults. Neuroimaging: Clinical, 8: 117-25. PMID: 26106535. View | Download
Padula, C.B., McQueeny, T.M., Lisdahl, K.M., Price, J.S. & Tapert, S.F. (2015). Craving is associated with amygdala volumes in adolescent marijuana users during abstinence. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 41(2): 127-32. PMID: 25668330. View | Download
Padula, C.B., Anthenelli, R.M., Eliassen, J.C., Nelson, E. & Lisdahl, K.M. (2015). Gender effects in alcohol dependence: An fMRI pilot study examining affective processing. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(2): 272-81. PMID: 25684049 View | Download
Price, J.S., McQueeny, T.M., Shollenbarger, S., Browning E.L., Wieser, J. & Lisdahl, K.M. (2015). Effects of marijuana use on prefrontal and parietal volumes and cognition in emerging adults. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 232(16): 2939-50. PMID: 25921032. View | Download
Shollenbarger, S., Price, J.S., Wieser, J. & Lisdahl, K.M. (2015). Impact of cannabis use on prefrontal and parietal cortex gyrification and surface area in adolescents and emerging adults. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 16: 46-53. PMID: 26233614. View | Download
Lisdahl, K.M., Wright, N.E., Medina-Kirchner, C., Maple, K.E. & Shollenbarger, S. (2014). Considering cannabis: The effects of regular cannabis use on neurocognition in adolescents and young adults. Current Addiction Reports, 1(2): 144-56. PMID: 25013751. View | Download
Price J.S., Shear P. & Lisdahl K.M. (2014). Ecstasy exposure & gender: Examining components of verbal memory functioning. PLoS ONE 9(12): e115645. PMID: 25545890 View | Download
Lisdahl, K.M. Thayer, R., Squeglia, L., McQueeny, T.M. & Tapert, S.T. (2013). Recent binge drinking predicts smaller cerebellar volumes in adolescents. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 211(1): 17-23. PMCID: PMC3670762 View | Download
Price, J.S., Strong, J.A., Eliassen, J., McQueeny, T., Miller, M., Padula, C.B., Shear, P.K. & Lisdahl, K.M. (2013). Serotonin transporter gene moderates associations between mood, memory and hippocampal volume. Behavioural Brain Research, 242: 158-65. PMID: 23266326. View | Download
Lisdahl, K.M., Gilbart, E.R., Shollenbarger, S. & Wright, N. (2013). Dare to Delay?: The impacts of adolescent alcohol and marijuana use onset on cognition, brain structure and function. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 4: 53. PMID: 23847550. View | Download
Tamm, L., Epstein, J.N., Lisdahl, K.M., Molina, B., Tapert, S., Hinshaw, S.P., Arnold, L.E., Velanova, K., Abikoff, H. & Swanson, J.M.; MTA Neuroimaging Group (2013). Impact of ADHD and cannabis use on executive functioning in young adults. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 133(2): 607-14. PMID: 23992650. View | Download
Lisdahl, K.M. & Price, J.S. (2012). Increased marijuana use and gender predict poorer cognitive functioning in healthy emerging adults. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18(4): 678-88. PMID: 22613255. View | Download
McQueeny, T.M., Padula, C.B., Price, J., Medina, K.L., Logan, P. & Tapert, S.F. (2011). Gender effects on amygdala morphometry in adolescent marijuana users. Behavioural Brain Research, 224(1): 128-134. PMID: 21664935. View | Download
Hanson, K.L., Medina, K.L., Padula, C.B., Tapert, S.F. & Brown, S.A. (2011). Impact of adolescent alcohol and drug use on neuropsychological functioning in young adulthood: 10-year outcomes. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 20(2): 135-154. PMID: 21532924. View | Download
Hanson, K. L., Winward, J. L., Schweinsburg, A. D., Medina, K. L., Brown, S. A. & Tapert, S. F. (2010). Longitudinal study of cognition among adolescent marijuana users over three weeks of abstinence. Addictive Behaviors. 35(11): 970-6. View | Download
Schweinsburg, A.D., Schweinsburg, B.C., Medina, K.L., McQueeny, T., Brown, S.A. & Tapert, S.F. (2010). The influence of recency of use on fMRI response during spatial working memory in adolescent marijuana users. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 42(3): 401-12. View | Download
Hanson, K.L., Medina, K.L., Nagel, B.J., Spadoni, A.D., Gorlick, A. & Tapert, S.F. (2010). Hippocampal volumes in adolescents with and without a family history of alcoholism. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 36(3): 161-67. View | Download
Medina, K.L., Nagel, B.J. & Tapert, S.F. (2010). Cerebellar vermis abnormality in adolescent marijuana users. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 182(2): 152-159. View | Download
Cohen-Zion, M., Drummong, S.P.A., Padula, C.B., Winward, J., Kanady, J., Medina, K.L. & Tapert, S.F. (2009). Sleep architecture in adolescent marijuana and alcohol users during acute and extended abstinence. Addictive Behaviors, 34(11): 967-9. View | Download
Medina, K.L., McQueeny, T., Nagel, B.J., Hanson, K.L., Yang, T. & Tapert, S.F. (2009). Prefrontal morphometry in abstinent adolescent marijuana users: Subtle gender effects. Addiction Biology, 14(4): 457-68. View | Download
Medina, K.L., McQueeny, T., Nagel, B.J., Hanson, K., Schweinsburg, A.D. & Tapert, S.F. (2008). Prefrontal cortex volumes in adolescents with alcohol use disorders: Unique gender effects. Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research, 32(3): 386-94. View | Download
Medina, K.L., Hanson, K., Schweinsburg, A.D., Cohen-Zion, M., Nagel, B.J. & Tapert, S.F. (2007). Neuropsychological functioning in adolescent marijuana users: Subtle deficits detectable after 30 days of abstinence. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 13(5): 807-820. View | Download
Medina, K.L., Nagel, B.J., McQueeny, T., Park, A. & Tapert, S.F. (2007). Depressive symptoms in adolescents: Associations with white matter volume and marijuana use. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48(6): 592-600. View | Download
Medina, K.L. & Shear, P.K. (2007). Anxiety, depression & behavioral symptoms of executive dysfunction in ecstasy users: Contributions of polydrug use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87(2-3): 303-311. View | Download
Medina, K.L., Schweinsburg, A.D., Cohen-Zion, M., Nagel, B.J. & Tapert, S.F. (2007). Effects of alcohol and combined marijuana and alcohol use during adolescence on hippocampal volume and asymmetry. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 29(1): 141-152. View | Download
Medina, K.L., Shear, P.K. & Schafer, J. (2006). Memory functioning in polysubstance dependent women. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 84(3): 248-55. PMID: 16595165. View | Download
Nagel, B.J., Medina, K.L., Yoshii, J., Schweinsburg, A.D., Moadab, I. & Tapert, S.F. (2006). Age related changes in prefrontal white matter volume across adolescence. NeuroReport, 17(13): 1427-31. View | Download
Busch, R.M., Pagulayan, K.F., Medina, K.L. & Krikorian, R. (2005). Corsi Block-Tapping task performance as a of path configuration. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 27: 1-8.
Medina, K.L., Shear, P.K. & Corcoran, K. (2005). Ecstasy (MDMA) exposure and neuropsychological functioning: A polydrug perspective. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 11(6): 1-13.
Medina, K.L., Shear, P.K., Schafer, J, Armstrong, T.G. & Dyer, P. (2004). Cognitive functioning and length of abstinence in polysubstance dependent men. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 19(2): 245-58. View | Download
Medina, K.L., Schafer, J, Shear, P.K. & Armstrong, T.G. (2004). Memory ability is associated with disagreement about the most recent conflict in polysubstance abusing couples. Journal of Family Violence, 19(6): 381-90. View | Download
Abrams, K., Kushner, M., & Medina, K.L. & Voight, A. (2002). Self-administration of alcohol before and after a public speaking challenge by individuals with social phobia. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 16(2): 121-128.
Armstrong, T.G., Wernke, J.Y., Medina, K.L. & Schafer, J. (2002). Do Partners Agree about the Occurrence of Intimate Partner Violence? A Review of the Current Literature. Trauma, Violence & Abuse: A Review Journal, 3(3): 181-193.
Armstrong, T.G, Heideman, G., Corcoran, K., Fisher, B., Medina, K.L. & Schafer, J. (2001). Disagreement about the occurrence of male-to-female intimate partner violence: A qualitative study. Journal of Family and Community Health, 24: 55-75.
Abrams, K., Kushner, M., Medina, K.L. & Voight, A. (2001). The pharmacologic and expectancy effects of alcohol on social anxiety in individuals with social phobia. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 64(2): 219-31.
†Denotes work submitted by Dr. Lisdahl’s post-doctoral, graduate, or undergraduate students. Last authorship is equivalent to senior authorship.